Annual event at the harbor at the Town Dock at 5:00 pm. Blessing of the Fleet at Montauk Town Dock! Its purpose is to bless the boats as the summer fishing season starts and also and foremost commemorates the lives of the fishermen and their families that have past away in that year. It’s a […]
A few days of well-curated, quality events that bring good people together. The Surf Thing. Featuring good things like surf days at Ditch Plains, a world-class group of athletes, musicians, artists, and mainly just good humans, live questions and answers, youth surf.
Thanks to the generous sponsorship of the Mon Tiki Catamaran, the Montauk Chamber of Commerce & Visit Montauk presents a fun evening of sailing, live music, drinks, and dancing! Helping to support the Montauk Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center’s 4th of July Firework Show, this event doubles as a fundraiser and the ideal Montauk […]